Africa’s Global Dance: Key Diplomatic Moments of 2023

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2023 has emerged as a pivotal year for Africa’s global diplomatic landscape, witnessing a circle of significant interactions that have reshaped international relations. These diplomatic engagements are pointers to the evolving partnerships between Africa and the world, heralding a new era of collaboration and synergy. Spanning diverse geopolitical cooperations, these interactions have transcended traditional boundaries, fostering deeper ties in politics, economics, and sociocultural spheres. This article chronicles the monumental diplomatic encounters that have defined Africa’s global role and accentuated the continent’s imprint on the international stage.


Diplomatic engagement refers to the active involvement and interaction of countries, governments, or international entities in diplomatic relations. It involves a range of activities and discussions aimed at fostering understanding, resolving conflicts, and promoting cooperation on various issues. It is also an interaction between two entities, usually to work towards peace. Also, diplomatic engagement can be a meeting between two countries that is working to do some good between them. To sum up, diplomatic engagement plays a crucial role in maintaining peaceful relations, resolving conflicts, and addressing global challenges through dialogue and cooperation.


The Africa-EU Summit serves as a diplomatic platform for African and European leaders to address common challenges and enhance collaboration on political, economic, and social issues. It aims to strengthen the partnership between the continents, with a focus on evolving relations in energy dynamics after the Russo-Ukrainian War. Africa’s pivotal role in energy, trade, and investments, exemplified at COP27, marks a departure from traditional aid narratives. South Africa’s strategic involvement challenges the EU’s influence, prompting the EU to navigate energy dependency concerns and diversify partnerships, notably in Latin America.


China implemented significant diplomatic measures and game-changing projects in 2023 to strengthen its strategic relationship with Africa. A commitment to a new kind of China-Africa strategic partnership was demonstrated by President Xi Jinping’s unveiling of three measures tackling economic issues. Aside from the important infrastructure improvements around Lagos, such as the Lekki Deep Sea Port, the conservative visit by Foreign Minister Qin Gang underscored China’s continued commitment. The enduring significance of the connection was cemented by the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) as a vital forum for economic and diplomatic dialogue. Ultimately, the year demonstrated China’s commitment to supporting infrastructure development and economic growth in partnership with African countries.


With an emphasis on global problems, security, and economic progress, ties between the United States and Africa flourished in 2023. The goal of the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit was cooperation for mutual gain. The partnership between the U.S. and Angola serves as an example. In celebration of thirty years of relations, Angola and the United States engaged in military, economic, and diplomatic exchanges and efforts to promote economic integration, such as the Lobito Corridor. Also, significant private sector transactions were made possible by Prosper Africa. In addition, common objectives were highlighted by projects related to food security, digital transformation, and climate change. HIV/AIDS and malaria were handled through health partnerships. Furthermore, collaboration on peace and security included defence discussions and more military support. This multipronged strategy in 2023 demonstrated a vibrant and all-encompassing collaboration between the United States and Angola, enhancing regional and worldwide prosperity.

Russia and Africa

Diplomatic talks between Russia and African countries to explore areas of collaboration in trade, security, and development. The second Russia-Africa Summit was held at the Expo Forum in St. Petersburg on July 27 and 28, 2023, following its postponement, which had been originally scheduled for October 2022 at the African Union headquarters in Addis Ababa. At the Summit, the United States reaffirmed its commitment to engage with and support complex political transitions in Africa and work to assist governments and civil society at critical moments in the democratic transition through the African Democratic and Political Transitions (ADAPT) initiative.

India and Africa

2023 marked a significant milestone in the diplomatic ties between Africa and India. India’s achievement in gaining full G-20 membership for the African Union during the biennial India-Africa Forum Summit (IAFS) highlighted the importance of this alliance. India became the third-largest trading partner in Africa as economic cooperation surged, reaching $103 billion in trade.

Together with highlighting India’s commitment to Africa’s priorities—from vying for a seat on the UN Security Council to working together on counterterrorism—the “Kampala Principles” revealed common visions. Though historical and cultural linkages continued to shape this dynamic relationship, people-centric efforts such as the Solar Mamas Project demonstrated concrete impacts.

With programmes like the India-Africa Army Chiefs Conclave and collaborative research projects in AI and cyber security, defence and security cooperation gained significance. The year 2023 signified a new chapter of deepened relations, economic synergies, and a shared dedication to mutual prosperity as India’s global aspirations remain rooted in Africa.

Japan and Africa

Diplomatic engagements between Japan and African countries focus on economic development, infrastructure, and technology. Japan gives high priority to Africa in providing economic assistance in order to contribute to the solution of various problems in African countries, as part of its global responsibility to help achieve peace and stability throughout the world. Japan, however, has been a subtle but effective partner of Africa for the past 50 years. Through its donor arm, the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), it has given aid in the form of grants and loans and invested with its own distinct style based on local ownership, peace, governance, and human rights.

Turkey, Africa

The summit aims to strengthen diplomatic and economic ties between Turkey and African nations, fostering collaboration in various sectors such as trade, infrastructure, and development. It provides a platform for dialogue and cooperation to address shared challenges and explore mutual opportunities. Discussions between Turkey and African nations to strengthen diplomatic ties and explore areas of mutual interest

The Turkey-Africa Economic and Business Forum was mainly aimed at promoting Turkish and African investments through analysing trade and economic relations between Africa and Turkey, evaluating Turkey’s approach to investment in Africa, facilitating interaction between the two business communities, and initiating dialogue between Turkish investors, the AU, and the Regional Economic Communities (RECs). It was also aimed at highlighting the expectations engendered by Agenda 2063 as a programme for social, economic, and political transformation that will make Africa a prosperous, united, and economically independent continent.



Meetings between Arab and African leaders to address regional challenges and promote cooperation on various fronts. Africa and the Arab region are strengthening their cooperation under their partnership agreement, and that is good news for their respective peoples. The Arab-African Summit is a meeting between leaders from Arab and African countries to discuss cooperation on various regional and global issues, including economic, political, and cultural matters. The summit aims to strengthen ties and promote collaboration between nations in these two regions.


Canada and South Africa’s diplomatic ties are still growing in 2023, which is encouraging commercial cooperation. Bilateral trade between the two countries is prioritised, with a historical emphasis on mining, transportation, food processing, hospitality, and technology. Cultural accords show a commitment to mutual cooperation and are indicative of diplomatic ties. Important enablers that add to a strong diplomatic framework are the Double Taxation Agreement and the Memorandum of Understanding on Mining Cooperation. The events of this year continue the previous pattern and demonstrate a dedication to long-term diplomatic and commercial ties.


Developing countries working together to address common issues and advance socioeconomic development is known as “South-South” cooperation. These partnerships, which can be bilateral or cross-regional, cover the political, economic, social, cultural, and technical spheres. In order to lessen dependency on established North-South ties, it is intended to promote mutual support. Initiatives in the South-South are facilitated by triangular cooperation, which involves conventional donors. By pooling resources, expertise, and information, the main objective is to increase self-reliance and enable developing nations to think through and implement plans and solutions for the particular development challenges that face them.

The year 2023 stands tall as a testament to Africa’s expanding footprint in global diplomacy, exemplified by opportunities of substantial interactions and engagements. From the Africa-EU Summit’s initiatives to partnerships with influential global players such as China, the U.S., Russia, India, Japan, Turkey, the Arab region, Canada, and collaborations in South-South Cooperation, these diplomatic ventures have reshaped the contours of international relations. They illuminate a vibrant mosaic of alliances and dialogues, fostering a climate of mutual understanding, cooperation, and shared aspirations. As Africa forges ahead, these diplomatic engagements serve as pillars of a new era of interconnectedness, bolstering the continent’s position as an integral player in the global diplomatic arena.

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