Most Recent World News

War in Sudan: Displacement, Economic Losses, and Efforts

A recent report has shed light on the devastating humanitarian crisis in Sudan, revealing that 14 months of conflict have pushed over 755,000 people into severe hunger, with 14 areas.

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Africa’s Progress in Muzzling Illicit Small Arms and Light Weapons

The fight against the proliferation of illicit small arms and light weapons (SALW) has been an essential component of Africa’s efforts to promote peace, stability, and economic growth in the.

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2024 Electronic Communication Regulation Draft: Implications for Africa’s Digital Security

The Electronic Communication (Security Measures) Regulation 2024 represents a breakthrough for Africa in the global quest for advanced digital security. With the regulation’s introduction, Africa joins the ranks of countries.

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Manchester Meltdown: How a Power Outage Rippled Through Global Travel

Power outages and electricity cuts are issues associated with most developing and underdeveloped countries in the world. These problems are alien to developed countries, which is a grounding reminder of.

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Somalia’s Seat at the UN Security Council: A Milestone for African Leadership

Somalia, one of Africa’s most negatively portrayed countries in Western media has recently secured a seat on the United Nations Security Council (UNSC). The international community views Somalia’s conflicts through.

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Climate Change and African Agriculture

Amidst the vast and diverse landscapes of Africa, agriculture remains the backbone of countless communities, providing sustenance, livelihoods, and a vital link to cultural traditions. However, a looming threat casts.

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Celebrating an Achiever: Gov. Kefas Agbu’s One Year in Office

Jalingo, Taraba State, May 29, 2024 In a grand celebration of leadership and progress, the one-year anniversary of Governor Kefas Agbu’s tenure was commemorated with a prestigious state dinner on.

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Regional Impact of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

While geographically distant, Africa has been impacted by the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in several ways, influencing politics, diplomacy, and societal dynamics across the continent. In the wake of the ongoing conflict,.

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Voices of Hope from Burkina Faso’s Survivors of Armed Conflict

Burkina Faso, once a haven of peace in West Africa, has been engulfed by the flames of armed conflict in recent years. Jihadist groups and ethnic violence have ravaged the.

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Border Disputes is Impacting Trade Across Africa

Africa’s economic potential is hindered by persistent border disputes, strangling the continent’s ability to realize its trade aspirations. From longstanding territorial disagreements to emerging conflicts fueled by political tensions, these.

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