Dateline Hilton Americas, Houston, Texas Monday, May 5, 2014
African Leadership Magazine pulled through yet another superlative and highly attended US-Africa Investment Forum in Houston, Texas on the sidelines of the Offshore technology Conference (OTC) on the evening of Monday, May 5, 2014. The event recorded attendance from Nationals of 14 countries among which are the United States of America, Nigeria, Ghana, Liberia, China, Kenya, Mauritius, Seychelles, Saudi-Arabia, Cameroun, Tanzania, Angola, South Korea and the Dominican Republic.
The Keynote Address for the evening was delivered by the Ambassador of Mauritius to the United States of America, H.E, Somduth Soborun who represented the Vice Prime Minister of Mauritius, Xavier Luc Duval. There was also an investment promotion presentation from the Finance Minister of Seychelles, Hon. Pierre Laporte who attended the event with an economic delegation from Seychelles.
From the private sector came Chief Executive Officers of leading Oil and Gas, Financial and Entrepreneurial conglomerates including Mr. Mike Nyinaku of the Biege Group, Ghana, Frank Adu of Cal Bank Ghana, Mamemo Ibru of Ibafon Oil, Nigeria, Felix Amieofori of Energia Group, representatives of Orlean Invest/Intels Group, representatives of Chrome Group, Liberian Bank for Development and Investment, Agricultural Bank of Ghana, Standard Bank of South Africa and a host of other institutional investors.
Mr. Francis peters, Seniro Commercial Officer of the United States Embassy in Nairobi, Kenya gave insight on how African companies can benefit from funding and incentives from the United States Department of Commerce and various trade incentives like the African Growth and Opportunities Act (AGOA) New Partnership for African Development (NEPAD) and other similar available but underutilized channels of support.
The Forum witnessed a high-level networking session where representatives and Chief Executives of Corporations shared contacts and opened discussions on areas of mutually beneficial relations. Entrepreneurs present were able to engage with Chief Executive Officers of International Banks on products and incentives available for Export Financing and Business Support.
Angelo Carrera of the Agencia Nacional de Investminto Privado from Agola said of the event
“I have been attending global events on behalf of my organization as a member of the New Business Development Division but I must say that this is the first international investment forum I am attending where you have unrestricted freedom to freely interact with a diverse mix of investors from different sectors all willing and eager to make friends and expand their horizon. I have run out of business cards and I am excited about some of the relationships I established this evening which I have no doubt will help in attracting investment to my country”.
The event was rounded off with an Awards Dinner where Oil and gas Companies in Africa were recognized and celebrated for the outstanding Corporate Social Responsibility Best Practices which has touched the lives of people in their communities.
The event ended on a convivial note with delegates reluctant to leave and discussions continuing long after the event had officially ended.

Amb. Somduth Soborun (M), Pierre Laporte, Minister of Finance of Seychelles, Mike Nyinaku of Ghana & orthers

Representatives or Liberian Bank for Development & Investment and the Orlean-Intels Group of Nigeria
Sam Hart
Group Editor
African Leadership group