Most Recent World News

Institutional Responses Tackling Africa’s Illegal Drug Trade

The illicit drug trade in Africa has been a major issue for decades, with its roots tracing back to the early 20th century. Initially, the continent was primarily a transit.

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The Battle Against Illicit Financial Flows in Africa

Across Africa, the circulation of illicit banknotes, including counterfeits and unregulated currencies, poses a significant economic challenge, with estimates suggesting that 1-2% of the total currency in circulation in some.

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From Policy to Practice: Africa’s Affirmative Action Milestones

The concept of affirmative action in Africa has its roots in the early post-independence era, where the need to redress colonial legacies of inequality became apparent. However, it was not.

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Top 10 African Countries for Foreign Direct Investments (FDIs)

Africa, often called the “next frontier” for economic growth and development, is poised to become a hotspot for Foreign Direct Investments (FDIs). With its vast natural resources, rapidly growing middle class,.

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Can Resource-Rich African Nations Achieve Economic Diversification?

Africa is home to a wealth of natural resources, ranging from oil and minerals to fertile land and abundant water resources. While these resources present significant economic opportunities, they also.

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Africa’s Progress in Addressing Out-of-school Children

Despite education being the foundation of a thriving society, millions of African children are still denied the chance to learn and develop, missing out on a vital opportunity for growth..

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Why Gambia Should Be Your Next Travel Destination

Known for its diverse culture, rich history, and stunning natural landscapes, nestled in West Africa, and its modest size, The Gambia boasts a vibrant tourism industry that significantly contributes to.

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Geostrategic Shifts: China’s Influence vs. Western Engagement in Africa

The dynamics of influence in Africa’s international relations are increasingly shaped by the contrasting strategies of China and Western nations. China is deepening its footprint across the continent through ambitious.

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Nollywood’s Journey to Global Domination in Film

In 1992, several events reshaped history, such as the renaming of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic to the Russian Federation, the end of minority rule in South Africa through.

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Global Trade Agreements and Their Impacts on Africa’s Markets

Global trade agreements have long been a double-edged sword for the African market. On one hand, they promise economic growth, increased exports, and enhanced integration into the global economy. On.

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