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From Policy to Practice: Africa’s Affirmative Action Milestones

The concept of affirmative action in Africa has its roots in the early post-independence era, where the need to redress colonial legacies of inequality became apparent. However, it was not.

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Strategies for Effective Conflict Mediation in Africa

Conflict mediation in Africa is a critical component in the pursuit of peace and stability across the continent. The continent has seen its fair share of conflicts, ranging from interstate.

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Unified Visa-Free Travel in Africa: Bridging Divides, Building Futures

The need for a unified passport and visa-free travel for Africans within the continent has become increasingly evident as economic integration and growth intensify. The African Union (AU) has long.

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A Quick Peek at Multilateralism and Diplomacy in Africa

Africa is a continent full of potential and abundant with resources, but it also faces a challenging and exciting environment. African countries now rely heavily on diplomacy and multilateralism to.

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Exploring Pathways to a more Resilient Africa: Insights from the ALM Persons of the Year Awards – Addis Ababa 2024

 …as Tanzania’s Kikwete, Addis Ababa Mayor Abebe, others win big. ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia/ 16 March 2024 An evening of glamour, excitement, and high-level networking unfolded as Africa’s foremost policymakers, business.

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