Most Recent World News

How Effective are the Anti-Terrorism Efforts in Togo?

As extremist ideologies continue to spread, nations are compelled to fortify their defenses against potential attacks. Within this context, evaluating the effectiveness of anti-terrorism efforts in Togo becomes imperative.  .

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Education for All: Tanzania’s Push for Universal Access

In the quest for societal advancement and human development, education is the bedrock on which many nations across the globe build their future. However, despite the global recognition of education’s.

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A Quick Peek at Multilateralism and Diplomacy in Africa

Africa is a continent full of potential and abundant with resources, but it also faces a challenging and exciting environment. African countries now rely heavily on diplomacy and multilateralism to.

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Security and Economy: How helpful is the US in Sudan?

For decades, Sudan was viewed by the United States with suspicion and even hostility. Listed as a state sponsor of terrorism, Sudan’s internal conflicts and human rights violations kept it.

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Niger’s Geopolitical Shift: Redefining Strategic Alliances

Echoing last year’s expulsion of French forces, Niger has severed military ties with the United States, signaling a seismic shift in regional geopolitics. The departure of American troops, alongside the.

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World Earth Day: Addressing Challenges and Promoting Sustainable Management in Africa

Mahatma Gandhi said, “ The earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s needs, but not every man’s greed.” With these poignant words from Gandhi, we are reminded of the delicate.

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Exploring the Vibrancy of African Entertainment

Have you ever found yourself captivated by the infectious rhythms of African music, or swept away by the mesmerizing movements of African dance? Perhaps you have been drawn into the.

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The Growing Risk of Children Exploitation in Niger

Niger, like many other countries in Africa, is faced with child labor and exploitation issues. Despite efforts to combat this problem, recent reports suggest an alarming increase in the risk.

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The critical issues in Africa’s intra trade dilemma

Africa’s current trade challenges stem from colonial divisions that still shape economic structures. These structures prioritize exporting primary products, perpetuated by external forces and free markets. The aim is to.

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Is AfDB impacting education in Nigeria, Malawi?

Can you envision a society devoid of education? Education stands as the gateway to a realm abundant with opportunities and personal advancement, a fundamental right every child deserves access to..

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