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Can Africa Meet Up 2030 SGD’s Agenda Amidst Debt Servicing?

As Africa strives to achieve the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, it faces a pressing dilemma: reconciling its significant debt burden with the imperative of accelerating development. With an external debt.

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A Walk Through the Edgelands of African Education

While major urban centers often receive the spotlight for their educational advancements, the edgelands—rural and peri-urban areas on the fringes of these centers provide a compelling narrative of resilience, innovation,.

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Promoting Sustainable Water Management in Africa

In light of the rise in global temperature and looming natural occurrences, water has gradually become scarce in many regions, particularly Africa and the Middle East. Water has become a.

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World Population Day: Africa’s Family Planning Milestone

As the world marks World Population Day, Africa takes centre stage, showcasing its remarkable progress in family planning and reproductive health. This milestone highlights the fundamental role of family planning.

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Africa’s Progress Towards Clean Water Security

Clean water is a vital component of human life, crucial for health, agriculture, and community well-being. Despite this, many African communities still struggle with access to reliable and clean water.

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Gambia’s FGM Law Under Threat: What’s at Stake?

In December 2015, Gambia made a monumental decision to outlaw female genital mutilation (FGM), a practice that has long been embedded in the cultural fabric of many African societies. This.

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Fostering Inclusive Growth: Africa’s Commitment to Leaving No One Behind

Distributing the benefits of economic growth equitably across all segments of society is essential to achieving sustainable development. In line with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), African governments.

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Africa’s Achievements in the War Against HIV/AIDS

Africa’s fight against HIV/AIDS is a hard-won victory against a monumental challenge. The combined efforts of generous international donors and strategic initiatives spearheaded by African leaders have brought about this.

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African Child Development: Why it Matters

The development of children in Africa can never be over-emphasized even though it has remained a pressing issue that has far-reaching implications for the continent’s future.   Malala Yousafzai, a.

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Children’s Day: Building Future Leaders

Henrietta H. Fore, Executive Director of UNICEF, encapsulates the essence of the theme “For every child, every right” with her powerful statement: “Every child deserves a fair chance in life..

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