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Safeguarding Refugees Amid Regional Challenges in Tanzania

Eastern and Central Africa have been the references on the topic of conflicts and rising food insecurity. These problems have facilitated the surge of refugees and migrants fleeing their native.

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UN: More Than 1.5 million Are Refugees from South Sudan

More than 1.5 million South Sudanese have become refugees and their humanitarian needs are overwhelming aid efforts during the country’s civil war, according to the United Nations. South Sudan’s civil.

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Uganda Welcomes More Refugees Daily Than Some in Europe Annually, Charity Says

Uganda welcomed more refugees each day in 2016 than many wealthy European countries received the entire year, the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) said Wednesday, seeking to debunk the myth that.

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Presidents Kenyatta, Obama Discuss Refugees, Security, Climate Change

President Uhuru Kenyatta and U.S. President Barack Obama today, by telephone, discussed the global refugee and migrant crisis, regional security, climate change and Kenya’s improving business environment. President Obama called.

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UN Call on World Leaders to Shield Migrants, Refugees from Exploitation

The United Nations has recently urged world leaders to do more to shield migrants and refugees, particularly young people, women and children from those who would exploit their yearnings for.

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