Most Recent World News

African Diaspora Contributions to Intra-Continental Development

Every year, Africans migrate to other continents in their droves, in search of better living conditions. The majority of African diasporans hold on to their African identity and their families.

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Examining the Role of Diaspora Investments in Africa’s Economic Growth

For Africa, the diaspora comprises millions of Africans living in North America, Europe, Asia, and other parts of the world. The concept of diaspora investments is not new. Africans living.

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African Diaspora: Homeland Development

Diasporans represent a powerful constituency in the economic development of Africa and remittances are one of the most tangible and significant ways they contribute to developing their homelands. These financial.

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South Africa Express Fury Over Ryanair’s Afrikaans Test to Prove Nationality

The South African government said on Tuesday it was taken aback by Ryanair’s (RYA.I) decision to force UK-bound travellers holding the country’s passport to take a test in the Afrikaans.

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Rwanda, UK sign major deal on asylum seekers

Britain could send tens of thousands of asylum seekers to the East African country of Rwanda, Prime Minister Boris Johnson said on Thursday, aiming to break people-smuggling networks and stem.

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Youths Commend Ethiopian Ambassador to Turkey for Exemplary Service

The outgoing Ambassador of Ethiopia to Turkey on Sunday 5th August, 2018 received a special farewell ceremony organized by Ethiopian students in Turkey’s capital, Ankara. The Association of Ethiopian Students.

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Young African Leaders To Attend Mandela Washington Fellowship’s Annual Summit

The Summit is in partnership with the U.S. Department of State, U.S. African Development Foundation, and the Constituency for Africa. It will feature some of the best and brightest young.

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Nigerian Diplomats Attend Special Training Session in India

Twenty-two Nigerian diplomats are currently undergoing a special training programme at the Foreign Service Institute (FSI), New Delhi, India. This two-week training programme which is to hold between July 30.

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Nigerian Entrepreneur named among 2018 Fortune-US Department of State Global Women’s Mentoring Partnership

Amal Hassan, a Nigerian entrepreneur and Chief Executive Officer of Outsource Global, was one of the sixteen (16) women business leaders named among the 2018 Fortune-US Department of State Global.

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Twitter Inc. Appoints Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala as Independent Director

Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, former Nigerian Minister of Finance, has been appointed into the board of social media giant, Twitter Inc. Mrs Okonjo-Iweala, who served in the administration of former President Goodluck.

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