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Disaster Risk Management in Africa: Challenges and Progress

The frequency and severity of natural disasters in some African regions, including floods, droughts, and cyclones, have highlighted the urgent need for effective disaster risk management strategies to reduce the.

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Zimbabwe: Floods, Lightning Claim 78 Lives – Minister

Although the country is looking forward to a bumper harvest this year, nearly 80 lives have been lost lightning and drowning in floods, Local government minister Saviour Kasukuwere has revealed..

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Zimbabwe: Floods Hit Borrowdale

Paidamoyo Chipunza — ands and Rural Resettlement Minister Dr Douglas Mombeshora and many others from his neighbourhood in Borrowdale Brooke, Harare, yesterday woke up to massive destruction and flooded homes..

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Floods Displace Scores in Angola

Incessant rains that have left thousands homeless in Mozambique are feared to worsen a deadly cholera outbreak that has hit the southern African country. The northern Luanda Province is the.

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