Most Recent World News

Folorunsho Alakija unseats TV queen, Oprah Winfrey as the richest black woman on earth with $7.3b oil fortune

Move over Oprah, Nigerian oil tycoon Folorunsho Alakija is now the richest black woman in the world with an estimated fortune of $7.3 billion. Africa boasts 55 billionaires – far.

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Dangote To co-Chair 2014 World Economic Forum in Davos-Kloster, Switzerland

President of Dangote Group, Aliko Dangote, has been appointed to co-chair the next year’s annual meeting of World Economic Forum in Davos-Kloster, Switzerland. According to Nigerian Tribune, the Executive Chairman.

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Tutu warns African leaders not to withdraw from ICC

Tutu warns African leaders not to withdraw from ICC CAPE TOWN, South Africa – South African Nobel peace laureate Desmond Tutu warned African leaders against leaving the International Criminal Court.

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Development Finance Institution Will ‘Ease’ Access To Funds In Nigeria – Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala

Nigeria is billed to set up a development finance institution that will make access to funds easy and spur economic growth. Speaking at a Centenary Lecture of the Lagos Chamber.

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Apple surpasses Coke as world’s best brand

Apple has surpassed Coke as the world’s No.1 brand, according to the international brand consulting firm Interbrand. The company has been ranking brands in its annual reports since 2000, and this.

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GOOD NEWS AFRICA: Wealthy families plan investments in Africa

ONE Thousand & One Voices, a private equity scheme backed by “influential families” from around the world, established its Johannesburg office last week and is poised to invest $300m across.

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British Oil Explorer Discovers 4th Oil Reserve In Kenya

British oil explorer, Tullow Oil, has announced a 4thoil discovery in Northern Kenya after disclosing that Ekales-1, a crude-rich reservoir, had a net pay of 60 – 100 metres. The.

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Secrets Of Women At Top Business Positions

While companies and government undoubtably can do more to promote women in leadership positions – women need to learn how to tap into their unique strengths and make use of.

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China – Africa Economic And Trade Relationship Attain Record Heights.

Chinese participation in reconstruction and financial service in Angola and in agriculture in Mozambique are some of the examples outlined in the new strategic document of the Chinese government for.

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Americans plan solemn ceremonies for 12th anniversary of September 11 attacks

Americans will commemorate the 12th anniversary of the September 11 attacks with solemn ceremonies and pledges to not forget the nearly 3,000 killed when hijacked jetliners crashed into the World.

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