Most Recent World News

Tackling Inflation: Prospects for Key African Economies in the Coming Year

Inflation, the persistent rise in the general price level of goods and services, remains a pressing concern for many African economies. While recent data suggests a slowdown in inflationary pressures.

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Combatting Food Insecurity in Nigeria: Overreliance on Exports

Food insecurity remains a pressing issue in Nigeria, despite its vast agricultural potential. One significant factor exacerbating this challenge is the overreliance on exports. While Nigeria is often celebrated for.

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Infrastructure Development in Rural Africa is Still a Challenge

In Africa, basic necessities like roads, water supply systems, and healthcare facilities remain scarce, stifling progress and perpetuating inequalities. Despite boasting six of the world’s fastest-growing economies, Africa grapples with.

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Addressing Challenges of Rapid Population Growth

The global population is expanding at an unusual rate, presenting societies with several challenges that require urgent attention and innovative solutions. Rapid population growth, fueled by factors such as declining.

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Zimbabwe’s Monetary Policy: Lessons for Other African Nations

Zimbabwe’s economic crisis reached a nadir in the late 2000s, characterized by one of the world’s severest hyperinflations. At its peak, prices doubled every 24 hours, rendering the Zimbabwean dollar.

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Regional Disparities in Economic Growth within Sub-Saharan Africa

Sub-Saharan Africa is a diverse region with mixed economies, each presenting challenges and opportunities for growth. Among these, the East African Community (EAC) and West Africa are sub-regions with distinct.

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Is the African Market ready for e-Power Hybrid Vehicles?

The readiness of the African market for e-Power Hybrid Vehicles is a topic of significant interest and discussion, given the region’s unique economic, social, and infrastructural landscape. To comprehensively address.

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Zambia’s Debt Saga and the lesson for other African Nations

The debt crisis in Zambia is a cautionary tale, not just for the country itself but for many African nations grappling with similar challenges. Zambia’s journey into indebtedness and its.

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A Closer Look at Africans at the UN and other Global Organizations

Africa’s presence and participation in international institutions like the United Nations (UN) and other global organizations are crucial for shaping global policies, advocating for the continent’s interests, and addressing pressing.

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The link between Egypt’s Economic Surge and IMF’s Support

Egypt’s recent economic trajectory has been one of remarkable transformation. After a period of stagnation and vulnerability, the country has witnessed a surge in growth, bolstered by a strategic partnership.

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