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Zimbabwe Drops Week-Old Plan For Job and Bonus Cuts

Zimbabwe’s government said it had dropped plans to cut public sector jobs and bonuses less than a week after they were announced, as activists called for more protests against economic.

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Zimbabwe: Gov’t Embarks On Rhino De-Horning

By Sydney Kawadza Government and conservation stakeholders have embarked on a $1 million de-horning programme for Zimbabwe’s rhinos, in a bid to enhance the security of the endangered species. Zimbabwe’s.

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Zimbabwe: Turning around Industry Collapse to Alleviate Poverty

  By: Hamish Mlambo/ Contributor, African Leadership Former Economic Planning Minister Tapiwa Mashakada says Industry in Zimbabwe has been decimated as a result of the collapse of the agro-industrial value.

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Zimbabwe to Fight Elephant Poaching with Drones

Zimbabwe plans to deploy aerial drones in its biggest wildlife sanctuary in the west to combat poaching of elephants, a parks official said on Monday, as the country aims to.

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Zimbabwe: Defence Force Donates $300 000 Clinic to Community

  The Zimbabwe Defence Forces (ZDF) recently unveiled a $300,000 state-of-the-art clinic built by the army at Chingwizi in Nuanetsi Ranch, Mwenezi, to cater for over 3,000 families displaced by.

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Zimbabwe Current Deficit to Rise to US$ 2.8 Billion in 2016

By: Barnabas Thondhlana United Kingdom-based researcher Exotix Partners, has projected Zimbabwe’s current account deficit to rise to US$2,8 billion this year, largely due to a widening trade deficit despite a.

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As drought parches reserves, Zimbabwe puts wildlife on the block

As prolonged drought dries up waterholes and grass, Zimbabwe’s government is taking an unprecedented step to keep the wildlife in its game reserves alive: It is selling the animals to.

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Zimbabwe’s President, Robert Mugabe Not Invited to U.S. Summit

The US-Africa summit to be convened by President Barack Obama in August is set to proceed without Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe. African leaders are facing a dilemma over whether to.

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Zimbabwe Names New Central Bank Governor

  New Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe Governor Dr John Panonetsa Mangudya has the right qualifications and experience to lead the central bank, and his appointment inspires confidence in the market,.

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Zimbabwe Government slashed Salaries for parastatal and local authorities

Government has slashed salaries and perks for parastatal and local authorities’ bosses to US$6 000 monthly, pending finalisation of a comprehensive salary structure being crafted by the Cabinet Committee on.

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