Most Recent World News

Report Warns That Climate Risks Could Cost Ghana’s Transport Sector $3.9 Billion

A new report estimates that by 2050 climate risks could cause damage worth $3.9 billion in Ghana’s transport sector. But the report also offers a roadmap that could prevent the.

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IPCC Considers New Alternatives to Reducing Carbon Emissions

By Judith Ukoh The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, IPCC is considering new ways to remove Carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere.

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Egypt Keen to Support African States’ Efforts to Access Clean Energy from Renewable Resources

Egypt’s Minister of Electricity and Renewable Energy, Mohamed Shaker, stressed Egypt’s keenness to support African countries’ efforts to access clean and renewable energy sources.

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Ethiopia Starts Generating Power from Nile Hydropower Plant

Ethiopia began producing electricity on Sunday from its Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD), a multi-billion-dollar hydropower plant on the River Nile that neighbours Sudan and Egypt have worried will cause.

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G N PC Promoting Sustainable Energy Investment in Gambia’s Hydrocarbon Sector

The Gambia, the smiling coast of Africa, has long been oriented around agriculture, foreign remittances, and tourism, which accounted for up to 20% of GDP pre-COVID-19. However, this looks set.

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Dangote Refinery to Commence Operation by The Third Quarter of 2022

Alhaji Aliko Dangote, President of Dangote Group, says the Dangote Refinery and Fertiliser projects will come on stream before the end of the third quarter of 2022. He said this.

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Africa’s Great Green Wall Receives Amazon Boost

The founder of Amazon Jeff Bezos has pledged $1 billion to help build the Great Green Wall reforestation project across Africa.

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Algeria Set On Increasing Oxygen Production to Meet Demand

The President of Algeria, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, has directed officials to raise the production of oxygen from its current running amount at 360,000 litres to 470,000 litres. This will be added.

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KENYA: Ministry Assures Fibre Optic Cable Relocation Will Not Disrupt Internet

The Government of Kenya has assured its citizens that the relocation of a fibre optic cable along the Nairobi-Mau Summit Road to allow construction of a dual carriageway, will not.

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Tunisia Explores Opportunities to Develop Its Renewable Energy Sector

In collaboration with the Danish Embassy in Tunis, the Tunisian-Danish Chamber of Commerce recently organized an information webinar on the opportunities of the green energy sector in Tunisia with more.

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